Thrive For Life LLC

Enhancing Independence for Client’s with ALS: A Case Study on Ceiling Track Lift Systems

Surehands ceiling lift bedroom


Occupational therapy is pivotal in fostering independence among individuals with physical limitations, particularly in the realm of accessible home modifications. This case study delves into a scenario involving a client diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease profoundly impacting motor function. With the advancing condition necessitating full-time wheelchair use and supervision for transfers and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), the client’s primary wish was to independently execute transfers from his bed to a motorized wheelchair and the toilet situated 40 feet away. As an occupational therapist specializing in accessible home modifications, I recommended the installation of a ceiling track lift system. This case study will analyze the health, psychological, safety, and economic benefits of this intervention, providing insights into its profound impact on the life quality of individuals with severe mobility impairments.

Client Background:

The client, a 70-year-old male, has been living with ALS for six years, with the condition’s progression now requiring him to use a wheelchair continuously. His dependency level has escalated, necessitating constant supervision for transfers and all ADLs. Both the client and his wife, who had been his primary caregiver, sought solutions to enhance his independence and safety at home.



Solution: Ceiling Track Lift System
Given the client’s needs, a ceiling track lift system was deemed the most suitable solution. This system involves secure overhead tracks and a motorized lift, facilitating safe and effortless transfers between his bed, wheelchair, and toilet.


1. Cost-Efficiency
– Caregiver Cost: Hiring a caregiver for 8 hours daily at an average rate of $20 per hour would amount to $58,400 annually. Within the context of the client’s expected life span, this expense significantly overshadows the one-time cost of the ceiling track lift system.
– Return to Work: The system’s independence-enabling feature allows the client’s wife to resume full-time work, further enhancing the family’s financial situation.

2. Health & Psychological Benefits
– Muscle Integrity: The lift system supports the client’s weight, reducing the risk of muscle strain or injury during transfers, a common concern in ALS as muscle weakness progresses.
– Mental Health: Independence in ADLs is closely linked with improved mental health. The ability to perform basic transfers independently can instill a sense of control and dignity, mitigating feelings of helplessness or depression often associated with progressive diseases like ALS.

3. Safety
– Fall Prevention: The system dramatically lowers the risk of falls during transfers, a prevalent hazard that could result in severe injuries or escalated medical costs.
– Emergency Response: Should the client experience medical emergencies while alone, the lift system ensures he can safely navigate from bed to wheelchair to seek assistance.

4. Family Dynamics
– Caregiver Strain: The lift system relieves the client’s wife of the physical strain of assisting with transfers, reducing the risk of caregiver burnout.
– Enhanced Relationships: With reduced physical caregiving duties, the couple can enjoy quality time together, strengthening their emotional connection.

5. Extended Benefits
– Home Value: Accessible home modifications can enhance a property’s value, especially in markets targeted towards aging populations or individuals with mobility needs.
– Scalability: Ceiling track lift systems can be expanded or modified to accommodate the client’s changing needs, such as a bathroom modification for enhanced accessibility.


This case study underscores the multidimensional benefits of ceiling track lift systems in accessible home modifications, particularly for individuals with severe mobility restrictions like ALS. Beyond the apparent safety and independence advantages, the system offers significant cost savings compared to long-term caregiving. Furthermore, it positively impacts the client’s psychological health, family dynamics, and overall quality of life. By promoting autonomy and dignity, such interventions represent a holistic approach to care, essential in the field of occupational therapy and beyond. For individuals facing similar challenges, a personalized assessment by an occupational therapist can identify the most suitable home modifications to meet their unique needs.

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